• ICC Verification platform

  • Brazil

    • BR2100101

      Federation of Industries of the Federal District


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100301

      Federation of Industries of the State of Acre


      • Sergio Barroso -

        Avenida Ceará, 3727 - 7º BEC

        6918-108 Rio Branco - AC

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100201

      Federation of Industries of the State of Alagoas


      • Dielze Mello -

        Av. Fernandes Lima, 385 - Farol Maceió

        57055-000 Maceió - AL

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100401

      Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas


      • Lauziane dos Santos -

        Av. Joaquim Nabuco, 1919 - Centro Manaus

        69020-031 Manaus - AM

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100501

      Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100601

      Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará


      • Isaura     Bernardino -

        Av. Barão de Studart 1980 5º Aldeota Fortaleza

        60120-024 Fortaleza - CE

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100701

      Federation of Industries of the State of Espírito Santo


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100801

      Federation of Industries of the State of Goiás


      • Juliana Tormin -

        Rua 200, número 1121-Quadra 67C, lote 1, terreo Edifício Pedro Alves de Oliveira-Setor Leste Vila Nova Goiânia

        74645-070 Goiânia - GO

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2100901

      Federation of Industries of the State of Maranhão


      • Camila       Mendes -

        Avenida Jerónimo de Alburqueque, s/n. Edifício Casa da Indústria- Retorno da Cohama-Bequimão

        65060-645 São Luís-MA

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101101

      Federation of Industries of the State of Mato Grosso


      • Lucas      Silva -

        Avenida Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 4.193 - Centro Político Administrativo

        78049-940 Cuiabá - MT

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101201

      Federation of Industries of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul


      • Gracieiry     Ferreira -

        Av.Afonso Pena, 1206 Bairro Amambaí

        79005-901  Campo Grande - MS

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101001

      Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101301

      Federation of Industries of the State of Pará


      • Cassandra Lobato -

        Tv. Quintino Bocaiúva, 1588 - Nazaré

        66035-190 Belém - PA

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101501

      Federation of Industries of the State of Paraíba


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101401

      Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101601

      Federation of Industries of the State of Pernambuco


      • Cézar   Andrade -

        Av. Cruz Cabugá, 767 SANTO AMARO Recife

         50040-000 Recife - PE

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101701

      Federation of Industries of the State of Piauí


      • Islano   Marques -

        Av. Industrial Gil Martins, 1810. Ed. Albano Franco

        64017-650 Teresina - PI

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2102101

      Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro


      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2102001

      Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte


      • Luiz Henrique Guedes -

        Casa da Indústria - Av. Senador Salgado Filho, 2860 - Lagoa Nova

        59075-900 Natal - RN

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101901

      Federation of Industries of the State of Rondônia


      • Gilberto Baptista -

         Rua Rui Barbosa, 112 - Arigolândia Porto Velho

        76801-186 Porto Velho - RO

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2101801

      Federation of Industries of the State of Roraima


      • Karen Anne -

        Av. Benjamin Constant, 876 Centro

        69301-020 Boa Vista - RR

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2102201

      Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina


      • Jéssica Schulze -

        Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 2765

        88034-001 Florianópolis - SC

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2102301

      Federation of Industries of the State of Sergipe


      • Ana Carolina     Rabêlo -

        Av. Dr. Carlos Rodrigues da Cruz, 826 - Edf. Albano Franco - Centro Administrativo Dr. Augusto Franco

        49081-015 Aracaju - SE

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain
    • BR2102401

      Federation of Industries of the State of Tocantins


      • Amanda Barbosa -

        ACSE 1 Rua de Pedestre SE 03 LOTE 34-A Edifício Armando Monteiro Neto Plano Diretor Sul

        77020-016 Palmas - TO

      Accredited in ICC WCF International CO Chain